Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A few examples of Girly Men Democrats ....

1) Barry Barack Obama, Chief of the girly men.
2) U.S. Senator John Kerry of Massachusets.
3) U.S Senator Harry Reid of Nevada.
3) U.S. Congressman Jack Murtha.
4) U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy.
5) U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
( She's a woman, but we'll include her. )
6) New York's Chuck Schumer.
7) Hillary Clinton.
( Oh yes, she's a woman too, but we'll include
her ).
8) The Democrat men in the California Senate and State
9) .... almost forgot Janet Napolitian.

10) U.S. Democrat Senators and House of Represenative

11) There are many more Girlymen Democrats
across the U.S. in State legislatures,
school boards and city halls .....

What is a girly men Democrat ? Basically this ....

Pro - Obama tax, Coward,pro-illegal alien, soft on
crime, overtaxers,underminers of the middle class,
underminers of Senior Citizens Social Security
benefits,low character,campaign cash Pay-For-Play
('Legal Bribe')Democrat incumbents and candidates,
anti-strong national defense,underminers of Americans
quality of health care, underminers of children's
quality of education,RINOs ('Republican in name
onlys'),people who conive with RINOs,underminers
of U.S.troop's mission abroad, creaters of high
college tuition increases,self interested corrupt
deviants who create immense falsehoods about Republicans
through the liberal/ Democrat bias network news
channels NBC,ABC,CNN,and MSNBC.

As one radio talk host said," There is no media in
this country anymore. They are propaganda arm of the
Democrat Party."

- These are your girly men Democrats ( and RINOs )

tags:democrats, girly men democrats, obama, republicans,tax